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Charlene 楊文蕊

I left my alma matar at the age of 16. Everyone said I was putting all the eggs in one basket, but I knew my decision was correct. I was displeased with the DSE system regarding Art and Design. In my heart, I was seeking a place that could truly provide artistic nourishment. That was when I discovered Chamberlain Institute.

Before attending Chamberlain Institute, I was oblivious about the different aspects in Art and Design. I restricted myself to drawing and thought art was all about creating visually appealing outcomes. Having been enlightened by my tutors at Chamberlain, I realised art is more about the thinking process. Everyone could make beautiful projects, but not everyone could develop extraordinary ideas which are personal and unconventional.

At Chamberlain, tutors assisted and guided us during our whole portfolio preparation process. With frequent tutorials and presentations, I became more confident in my own work. They helped me grow as an artist and as a person.

If it were not for Chamberlain, I would be an average student studying mundane subjects. I would be living a soulless life, spending each day aimlessly. 

To those who are thinking of joining the Chamberlain family, I have some advice for you. Make sure to be responsible and work to the best of your ability at all times. You will be facing one challenge after another and it is crucial to be consistent.