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Isaac Cheung

From Chamberlain institute (West Kowloon) to UAL CSM BA Architecture

From Chamberlain Institute (West Kowloon) to UAL CSM BA Architecture


My name is Isaac Cheung. I am currently studying at the Foundation of Chamberlain, where I am pursuing architecture. I have received university offers from University of the Arts London Central Saint Martins BA (Hons) Architecture and three other universities. I felt excited to hear this news because it means that I didn't waste my time improving the quality of my portfolio to the finest for nothing. I wanted to study at UAL because it is the most interesting and challenging place where I can keep track of my studies of architecture, further improving my skills and knowledge, since UAL is a very diverse university.


I remember it was my mom who recommended that I study at Chamberlain Institute (West Kowloon), saying that it could help me get a better chance to enter the art university I wanted. And it did help me a lot in preparing myself in terms of skills, ways of thinking, and discovering some interesting topics throughout my portfolio. The foundation gave us a lot of opportunities to explore our interests by doing numerous projects. One of my projects is about researching human boundaries, the problem of communication between people and relatives. Through the research, I looked at the behavior of walking, in which there's always a self-distance when people walk and talk, which led me to become interested in the term of the boundaries of space. It helps me to focus on solving problems like social awkwardness and the boundaries of people between normal and poor, desperate for needs or suffering from mental health, by providing a space of care and understanding that I designed, hopefully helping people to put aside their differences and learn to accept and show tolerance. The project that I got the inspiration from at the beginning was by reading a book called "Along Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other".


From Chamberlain institute (West Kowloon) to UAL CSM BA Architecture

(Work @ Isaac Cheung)


The teachers taught me the format of doing the portfolio and inspired me by using different methods to create things and experiment, encouraging me to research examples of artists related to architecture. Without their help, I wouldn't have gained that much cognition in the content of architecture. No doubt, my biggest challenge in Chamberlain was being unable to arrange my time efficiently to do the work. There was no chance I could overcome this because the amount of work took time to focus on what to research and process, but I did my best to do it faster and find a way to do it simpler, by thinking twice every time when it came to doing experiments with new techniques, thinking which material would be the easiest and quickest way to make an outcome.


If I hadn't joined this course, I would never have gotten to meet new people and go to the university I want, along with my friends. I do have some advice for the students who will study here in the future: really consider if the subject you're choosing is suitable for you because it will be the busiest and most hardworking seven months you'll ever work on, so I hope you would be studying a right subject that you really love and enjoy, and that to you this learning is a fun ride yet a challenging adventure. And for my future, I hope I will have a career as a professional architect, because I like to design things that are surrounded by nature and involve environmental impact.




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