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CSM 作品集創作課程

CSM 作品集創作課程


Central Saint Martins - Creating a Project Portfolio
Central Saint Martins 作品集創作課程

This course is an opportunity for students who have an interest in studying art and design foundation courses, applying to BA degrees in Design practices (fashion/product/textiles/costume/graphics/jewellery etc.), those interested in working in creative designers and those who would like just to like to know more about studying design.


The course provides an insight into what studying at Central Saint Martins is like and provides information for students looking to study foundation courses or BA degree courses in London. The course is workshop based and encourages the development and exploration of ideas, drawing skills, research, and experimentation all with an open approach to what creative practice involves.

透過此課程,學生可親身體驗世界著名的中央聖馬丁(Central Saint Martins)之教學模式,同時為有意在倫敦修讀基礎課程或學士學位課程的學生提供相關信息。課程以工作坊為基礎並對創意實踐採取開放的態度,鼓勵學生發展及探索其理念、繪畫技巧,以及調查研究和實驗等。

We explore different aspects of the design process meaning successful students will leave with greater knowledge of both 2D (portfolio/sketchbooks, layout, and presentation of 2D work) and 3D (textile sampling/draping/stand work, 3D manipulation, modelling) aspects of design-based practices. As this is a sketchbook course, we will work mainly physically (with pen and paper, scissors and glue, fabric and mannequin) and only certain aspects (e.g: illustration, photography) might be delivered in a digital way. Students will obtain a certificate of attendance awarded by CSM upon successful completion of the course.
我們會以不同角度探索設計過程,意味著成功完成課程的學生能增進2D(如作品集/素描本、2D作品的布局和展示)及3D(如紡織品取樣/裝飾/模型製作、3D操作和建模)方面的設計知識,以及藝術與設計的各種實踐方式。這是一門sketchbook course,我們將主要以實體方式進行(使用筆和紙、剪刀和膠水、布料和人體模型),只有某些方面(例如:插圖、攝影)可能會以數碼方式呈現。學生成功完成課程可獲由倫敦藝術大學(UAL)中央聖馬丁(Central Saint Martins)頒發的課程證書。

This course is designed for students interested in studying design-based pathways: fashion, product, graphics, print/textiles, communication/ fashion communication, jewellery, costume etc.


Course Tutor 課程導師

Tutor from Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London


Note: We will do our best to arrange the above teachers to teach. However, we may assign other art-and-design teachers to conduct the course. The above-mentioned teachers are for reference only and are subject to change without prior notice.


Date of Week
15/07/2024 - 26/07/2024 Monday to Friday
10am to 4pm 2 weeks
Chamberlain Institute (West Kowloon) 天麟學校 (西九龍)


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  • CSM 香港暑期課程
  • CSM 香港暑期課程
  • CSM 香港暑期課程
  • CSM 香港暑期課程
  • CSM 香港暑期課程
  • CSM 香港暑期課程
  • CSM 香港暑期課程
  • CSM 香港暑期課程
  • CSM 香港暑期課程
  • CSM 香港暑期課程
  • CSM 香港暑期課程